You Are Here: Home» Curry , Indian , Prawn , Seafood , Shrimp » King Prawn Balti

This is the balti version of king prawn curry. This style of cooking comes from Northern Pakistan and could be described as a wedding between the traditional and the modern restaurant. It is served with with a delicious, lightly spiced mild to medium sauce and comes to your table sizzling hot in a balti serving dish.


4 tablespoons Oil
Few pieces Finely sliced red/green pepper
1 teaspoon Special Spice Mixture
1 teaspoon Chilli Powder
4 tablespoons Basic Curry Sauce
4 King Prawns, pre cooked in boiling, salted water for five minutes (large shrimp)
A few Slices of Onion
1/2 teaspoon Lemon juice
2 pinches Garam Masala
1/2 tablespoon Chopped coriander leaves


Heat the oil in a frying pan, add the sliced pepper and allow to sizzle. Add the special spice mixture and chilli powder. After ten seconds add the basic curry sauce and stir until everything is mixed thoroughly.

Chop the cooked prawns in two. add and stir well until they are thoroughly heated. Transfer to the hot, sizzling balti serving dish.

Add the lemon juice to the side of the serving dish, sprinkle with the garam masala, garnish with chopped coriander and serve.

Note:- Five minutes before the end of cooking you must put the balti serving utensil on a separate hob and allow to get hot. When it is hot turn off the heat and put on the wood stand using oven gloves. Add a few slices of onion. Now add a tablespoon of the sauce from the main meal to the side of the serving dish and it will start to sizzle.

Tags: Curry , Indian , Prawn , Seafood , Shrimp


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